Monday, July 18, 2011

Can dreams act as a means of intuition?

Before answering the question proper, we need to understand the process of dreams. The dreams are actually a fine tuned process of perceived actions of our mind and the sub conscious. The mind is a store house of our feelings, gathered or gained self experiences and ideas present in our subconscious mind. Whenever, we are in a situation about which we are not able to take instant decision, our mind comes into action .Based on the situation, the mind collects data from our so called 'store house' and projects it in the form of dream. One can think that why do dreams come while one is sleeping? It is simple, when we are awake we keep getting disturbed by the things happening around you and causing a distraction. In the olden days the sages were able to see things deep into past/future because they could concentrate and control their feelings. Therefore, the dreams come while one is sleeping since one is undisturbed and the matter of the dreams in certain cases is so real that it relates to the real situation. This, some times is also related to the analysis done by our mind in the form of detailed planning for the forthcoming event, which on the eve of the event goes as per perception making it look as was seen in the dream. Thus, giving an impression of having seen the event earlier in the dream. These can be named as intuition or extra powers or any other name.BOL(Best of Luck).

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